After Oral Surgery: Signs of Infection

After Oral Surgery: Signs of Infection

Jan 01, 2022

In most cases, oral surgeries are standard procedures, and with our progress in dental technology, infection control keeps on getting better. Even though we have come from far, oral infections are still rampant, and you may still need oral dental surgery.

As a patient, you should know the kind of surgery you are undergoing and follow the instructions needed to care for your healing mouth. Following maxillofacial surgery, you may need to be aware of the signs of infection and how you can ensure that your recovery goes smoothly.

Why Undergo Oral Surgery?

People seek oral surgery to deal with several issues that affect the oral cavity. The procedures involved may range from dealing with impacted, abscessed, or infected teeth to issues that cause inflammation. You can expect procedures such as root canals, tooth extractions, etc.

What to Expect After Oral Surgery

A few hours after the oral surgery, your mouth may still be numb, and you should be careful, especially with what you are eating. Also, there will be pain that you will start experiencing after the anesthesia wears off. So, our dentist near you in in Colonia, NJ will prescribe some painkillers to manage the pain.

Also, you may not be able to clean your teeth in the area where the surgery was performed. So, our dentist will prescribe a mouth rinse that can help to keep the mouth clean.

You can also gargle some warm salt water to aid in alleviating the pain, help with clotting, and help minimize pain.

Reasons for Concern

Oral surgery can be a scary process, especially if you think there could be an infection involved.

Remember that our dental surgeon performs procedures designed to prevent infection and reduce pain. But on occasion, you may experience some complications that need further medical attention.

Post-oral surgery infection is not common. It is more rampant in immune-compromised people.

The human body houses so many different species of bacteria. Others are beneficial, while others can be harmful. So, if your body’s immune system has been compromised because of chronic illness such as diabetes or surgery, there is a great potential for infection to increase.

So, when you notice that you are bleeding at the surgery site for more than 24 hours, this is a possible reason for concern. If you notice some bleeding shortly after the maxillofacial surgery, don’t panic, as this is expected.

Even though swelling is an after-effect of the surgery, it should go down if you use a cold compress. If it doesn’t, then this is another reason for concern.

Oral Surgery Infection Symptoms

As mentioned earlier, some swelling, bleeding, and numbness area normal part of the process. But there are specific symptoms that will always indicate that you have an infection. If you experience the following symptoms after your surgery, then you may need to call our dental surgeon:

  • Throbbing pain that will not go away even though you use pain medications
  • You might develop a fever that may persist for more than a day or increase after a few days
  • Increased swelling of the face, jaw, gums is a clear sign that you have an infection, and this may worsen as the infection progresses
  • Any discharge, especially pus, is always a clear sign that you have an infection

After the surgery, don’t panic when you notice these symptoms. But if these issues do not subside, you may need immediate medical help.

Is It Possible to Prevent Infection After Oral Surgery?

Several steps exist that may help you prevent infection. The best and basic prevention mode is following our dentist’s instructions without fail. You will be given instructions on how to brush your teeth, what you can eat or drink, the antibiotics to take, and anything relevant in your scenario.

You can minimize bleeding by biting down gauze shortly after the surgery, and Ice packs are an amazing home remedy that deals with pain and swelling.

You can also gargle salt water to keep the area clean and bacteria-free.

Complications after oral surgery are not a common thing. In the off-chance that it happens, reach out to us at Colonia Dental Associates, LLC, and we would love to help you.

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